And this is another reason why I will never go totally to eBooks. Like any 
other kind of tech, it puts you at the mercy of the content provider. If I want 
a book from a publisher that's got beef with another company, i can still 
easily go to a bookstore, or (gasp!) the library and get a hard copy. But if 
I'm getting everything through digital distribution and there's a problem, the 
provider can block my access, or even erase content already on my reader. I do 
not like that concept. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" <> 
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 12:20:21 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Amazon Removes Macmillan Books 

Amazon Removes Macmillan Books 

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Published: January 30, 2010 has pulled books from Macmillan, one of the largest publishers in 
the United States, in a dispute over the pricing on e-books on the site. 

The publisher’s books can be purchased only from third parties on . 

A person in the industry with knowledge of the dispute, which has been brewing 
for a year, said Amazon was expressing its strong disagreement by temporarily 
removing Macmillan books. The person did not want to be quoted by name because 
of the sensitivity of the matter. 

Macmillan, like other publishers, has asked Amazon to raise the price of 
e-books to around $15 from $9.99. 

Macmillan is one of the publishers signed on to offer books to Apple, as part 
of its new iBookstore on the iPad tablet unveiled earlier this week. 

Macmillan’s imprints include Farrar, Straus & Giroux, St. Martins Press and 
Henry Holt. Popular books, including “A Long Way Gone” by Ishmael Beah, “Wolf 
Hall” by Hilary Mantel , “Middlesex” by Jeffrey Eugenides and “Finger Lickin’ 
Fifteen” by Janet Evanovich , could be purchased only from third-party sellers 
on Friday night. 

Apple will allow publishers more leeway to set their own prices for e-books. 
Although the prices will be tethered to print book prices by a formula that 
will generally yield prices between $12.99 and $14.99 for most fiction and 
general nonfiction, that is significantly higher than $9.99 discount that 
Amazon offers on its Kindle . 

Publishers have been concerned that such pricing devalues books. Tensions 
between publishers and Amazon have been rising as publishers have withheld 
select e-book editions for several months after the release of hardcover 
versions of books. 

It is not clear yet if publishers can withhold books from Amazon while giving 
them to other parties like Apple. Antitrust lawyers said it could raise legal 

Macmillan and its imprints have not yet returned requests for comment. Amazon 
refused comment. 

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