Funny! My fav lines come from "Shaft". When Shaft is oh-so-coolly addressing 
the police captain, the captain's lieutenant is sorely ticked that his boss is 
treating Shaft with respect. He feels Shaft's attitude is one of dismissal. 
When Shaft decides he wants to leave--having the temerity *not* to have been 
dismissed first--the white cop says "where do you think you're going?!" 

"I'm going home to get [loved], where are you going?" Shaft laughs as he 
strolls away confidently. 
"That boy's got a lot of mouth", the offended cop grumbles. 
"That *man* can back it up", his captain replies. 

Man, I'm too young to have seen the movie in theatres, but I can imagine black 
folk probably cheered that scene with nearly as much passion as the scene in 
that flick where Bruce Lee kicks and destroys that "No dogs or Chinese allowed" 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Baxter" <> 
To: "SciFiNoir2" <> 
Sent: Sunday, February 7, 2010 5:30:22 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Great Action Flicks on TCM Tonight 

LMNAO @ that last! Early on, when I first got DirecTV, I saw '70s Jim Brown 
flick, "Black GUnn". In it, some White guy made the mistake of coming on to a 
Black woman in Gunn's club, and Gunn promptly ejected him. And the guy 
apologized afterward. 

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