I don't remember if he got into trouble or not over it. He was one of those
kids that was overly rough with his toys. I wanted to keep my toys to give
to my son. Of course my toys and comics (all golden age!) didn't make it to
my teens for various reasons. I think I told that sad story before.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Martin Baxter

> LMNAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I accidentally split mine open (stepped on it while
> getting out of bed one morning), and my mother had a cow before she made me
> clean up the goop. Lucky that it was on a tile floor and missed the throw
> rug under my bed. If he got any on the carpet, he didn't sit down for a
> month, I'll bet.
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
> bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik
> ------------------------------
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 16:57:42 -0800
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Stretch Armstrong movie in the works
>  Hah! I used to talk about a movie using this character when I was a kid.
> My cousin actually tore his in two while stretching it after tying it to the
> stairs and pulling.
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Kelwyn <ravena...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> http://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/2009/06/02/Stretch-Armstrong-movie-in-the-works/UPI-69921243999518/
> Executives from Universal Pictures and Hasbro Tuesday announced plans to
> release "Stretch Armstrong," a Hollywood movie based on the action figure.
> The action-adventure film will be the first released under Universal and
> Hasbro's six-year partnership. It is slated to hit theaters April 15, 2011.
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