I was wondering what people thought of this.  I watched it on Netflix 
instant-play and I am so glad that I didn't add Starz to my lineup just to get 
this dreck.

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Tracey de Morsella" <tdli...@...> wrote:
> Raimi Brings "Sword and Sandals" to Starz
> It's Spartacus like you've never seen him before. Virtually.
> by Matt Fowler <http://tv.ign.com/email.html>  
> October 28, 2008 - What's that you say? You want an updated version of
> Spartacus <http://tv.ign.com/objects/142/14294244.html> ? As a 13-episode
> series on Starz? Welllll....okay. Since you've been so good lately. 
> Spartacus will be Starz's second original drama after Crash and it will be,
> according to The Hollywood Reporter, "set in the brutal world of
> gladiators." Steven <http://stars.ign.com/objects/142/14293608.html>  S.
> DeKnight of Smallville will act as the head writer and showrunner for the
> new series, which touts Sam Raimi
> <http://stars.ign.com/objects/917/917562.html>  as an executive producer.
> Filming in New Zealand will begin next year. 
> "This is not going to be at all like the 1960s Kirk Douglas film," said
> Starz Entertainment executive vp programming Stephan Shelanski. "We didn't
> want your typical sword-and-sandals. It's going to be fun, fast-moving, full
> of action and interesting characters and have a little more depth to it than
> the 1960s film." 
> Oh, you mean this isn't going to be like the critically acclaimed, Academy
> Award winning film directed by Stanley Kubrick? Well then, I hate good
> things too. Sign me up. 
> Wait there's more. Apparently Spartacus also going to use almost "100%
> virtual environment." Here's hoping that it's budget helps it look like 300
> and not Sanctuary. 
> "It will bring the younger audience who has grown up on graphic novels and
> video games this heightened reality; it's not going to look like anything
> you've seen before, especially on TV," said Executive VP of Original
> Production William Hamm. 
> You know if they really want to target the "kiddies" they should call it
> "Spartacuz" with a "z".

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