Yeah, it was weird in time. One time he came home in the middle of the day, and 
was visibly surprised and upset because my wife was over at his place talking 
to his wife. My wife is very wise, and it was obvious he didn't want her around 
his wife when he wasn't around, lest she start opening his wife's eyes. Not 
that she was even trying to undermine him, but just being the kind of person 
she is, he worried about the influence she'd have on a woman who literally no 
longer left the house without her husband at her side. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Baxter" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 9:54:13 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Who is Clark Rockefeller? 

WHOA. Now THAT was a Movie of the Week, in and of itself. 

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Keith Johnson < > 

It was pretty good, a departure for the guy who's been labeled as one of the 
gay guys from "Will and Grace". What I like is the movie's pretty recent: he's 
still in jail, and his ex-wife is still trying to get him legally barred from 
ever having any contact with their daughter again. And, the case of that 
murdered couple is still being investigated. 

Scary. And as crazy as it sounds that such people exist and can tell such 
blatant lies, all too true. My wife and I used to know a guy just like that. He 
told all these stories about all the things he'd done in the past: two tours in 
Nam, being a law enforcement guy who busted drug dealers, etc. But no one ever 
met any of his family--ever--to confirm any of his stories. The old "everyone's 
dead, and the rest I just don't want to talk to" excuse. 

He was able to get free rent at apartment complexes by telling the managers 
that he was a former veteran and law guy, and trade onsite security for a free 
apartment. Dude was a consummate con: he claimed he was trying to find the 
right church, and thus, tried on about half a dozen different faiths before 
becoming a Seventh Day Adventist. What we later discovered was that he was 
trying to find a church where he could manipulate the people and find a mate. 
He married a lady from that church who was an ardent Adventist, then used her 
beliefs to control her. For example, Adventists typically honor the Sabbath: 
staying home, not watching TV, etc. Well, this guy was always having to deal 
with "emergencies" at night and on the Sabbath. You'd have thought our complex 
was a hangout of the mob! What he was doing was simply taking nighttime 
"visits", using the security problem as a threat, and being confident his 
fearful, obedient wife would stay in the house when he was out doing his thing. 

Guy had a newborn son who he claimed was by a woman who was dangerously 
unstable, and thus, he had to protect the boy from her. He said the mother was 
so crazy she'd try to kidnap the child, and even, try to hurt his wife. This 
was another excuse for him to tell his wife to stay inside all day while he was 
working, as he couldn't be there to protect her should the crazed mother 
appear. And this she did. 

Dude had a wealth of skills: cooking, doing hair, sewing, automobile repair, 
martial arts, etc.. He become a leader in the church, started teaching Bible 
classes at home, and got a lot of us to attend. In time, the stories became too 
strange to ignore. Started telling tales that got really bizarre. Actually told 
me one night that he created Amazing Fantasy #15--which was a big mistake! We 
couldn't understand why *not one* person from his past ever showed up, and of 
course, the way he literally kept his wife sequestered was a red flag. When he 
started talking about moving his family to a small Alabama town, buying a farm, 
and maybe get all of us to join them, that was it. Dude noticed all of us 
friends of his were starting to doubt, and withing a few weeks he and the 
family was just gone like the wind. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" < > 
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 2:46:15 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Who is Clark Rockefeller? 

Did anyone catch this Lifetime movie? It is about a conman who poses as a 
member of the Rockefeller family and marries a well to do woman. Sometime after 
they are divorced, he kidnaps their daughter and we discover that no one really 
knows who he is. 

It replays Monday on Lifetime. 

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity! 
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