This will drive the rightwing nuts wild: more proof that the "real" America is 
being destroyed and diluted. 

I love it. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kelwyn" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:54:26 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Obama Seder: a new tradition 

WASHINGTON — One evening in April 2008, three low-level staff members from the 
Obama presidential campaign — a baggage handler, a videographer and an advance 
man — gathered in the windowless basement of a Pennsylvania hotel for an 
improvised Passover Seder. 

The day had been long, the hour was late, and the young men had not been home 
in months. So they had cadged some matzo and Manischewitz wine, hoping to 
create some semblance of the holiday. 

Suddenly they heard a familiar voice. "Hey, is this the Seder?" Barack Obama 
asked, entering the room. 

So begins the story of the Obama Seder, now one of the newest, most intimate 
and least likely of White House traditions. When Passover begins at sunset on 
Monday evening, Mr. Obama and about 20 others will gather for a ritual that 
neither the rabbinic sages nor the founding fathers would recognize. 

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