There are different types of IMAX. There are differences that you may notice
but I believe that there are differences in all types of film and digital.
For example technicolor vs cinemascope or Panavision. They all have a
special look to it. The differences in analog IMAX and digital IMAX will
also be different. There are things that you may see in a digital IMAX that
you may not have seen analog because more information is being caught.

I like to use the example of watching Will Smith in Ali and being able to
see every single hair in his armpit. If it were analog I wouldn't really
have noticed it because you would have recognized it as hair and moved on.
Digital makes each hair stand out in the shot. It is a bit unnatural.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Tracy Curtis <> wrote:

> Thanks, Mr. Worf.  I guess I'm wondering whether there is a noticeable
> difference between digital IMAX and analog IMAX if such a thing still
> exists.
> On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Mr. Worf <> wrote:
>> Think of IMax as high resolution digital film. 3d Imax is high resolution
>> 3d. Its the best way to see a 3d film.
>> On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Tracy Curtis <>wrote:
>>> Could someone enlighten me on the difference between regular and really
>>> good IMAX?  I saw Avatar in IMAX 3D.  But I'm not sure now whether I could
>>> have had a different experience.
>>> On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Kelwyn <> wrote:
>>>> It is hard to believe anything can surpass the experience of watching
>>>> Avatar in 3-D. Then James Cameron and crew takes it up a notch and releases
>>>> the movie in the IMAX format. And I am not talking about seeing it at some
>>>> rinky-dink flat IMAX screen, I am talking about crystal clear images on a
>>>> six-story-tall screen with wraparound digital surround sound at an IMAX®
>>>> Dome Theater.
>>>> Settling back in your stadium seat and seeing the movie unspool in front
>>>> of you, above you and on either side of you is a transcendent experience.
>>>> Filmed to take advantage of the full IMAX experience, Avatar has so much to
>>>> engage the eye and ear it is sometimes hard to decide what to focus on.
>>>> And all of it is spectacular, stupendous, marvelous - you lose track of
>>>> superlatives.
>>>> This format allows you to appreciate the proper scale of the ten-foor
>>>> tall Navi and the majesty of Hometree. The flora and fauna is awe-inspiring
>>>> and the predators are truly menacing. "That was scary!" my seventeen
>>>> year-old daughter exclaimed as Jake Scully (Sam Worthington) made a
>>>> hairbreadth escape.
>>>> The photo-realism is stunning. With the world of Paradox literally
>>>> wrapped around you, everything is heightened: the drama, the suspense; even
>>>> the romance. You can actually look into Neytiri's face and see every facet
>>>> of her large, expressive eyes.
>>>> ~rave!
>> --
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