I'm glad that someone took time out to talk to Mr.Williams. He is one of the
few people that doesn't get mentioned much when they talk about star wars
stuff. Although Robot Chicken loves it when he does their show.

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 4:59 PM, brent wodehouse <
brent_wodeho...@thefence.us> wrote:

> http://jam.canoe.ca/Movies/Artists/W/Williams_Billy_Dee/2010/04/23/13690026-qmi.html
> Artist: Williams, Billy Dee
> Lando a fave with 'Star Wars' fans
> CALGARY - As far as Stars Wars characters go, Lando Calrissian is a
> relatively minor one.
> But he is also considered one of the more memorable characters, thanks to
> the cool-as-a-cucumber performance of Billy Dee Williams.
> The actor also has another theory as to why Lando is a favourite with Star
> Wars fans.
> "He was cute," the 73-year-old says with a laugh.
> "There was a roguish kind of thing about him that people liked." Sure,
> fans may have been slightly peeved when Lando stabbed hero Han Solo in the
> back, handing him over to intergalactic bounty hunter Boba Fett in The
> Empire Strikes Back.
> But they couldn't stay mad at the handsome Rebel Alliance general for long.
> "I think I succeeded in making him a kind of palatable, likable character.
> A character needs a certain amount of vulnerability that people can relate
> to."
> Williams says he didn't realize the Star Wars films would have such a
> lasting influence on popular culture, although he knew right away he was
> working with a very talented director and cast.
> "I knew that with George Lucas I was working with someone very special,"
> he recalls. "I was a little bit familiar with some of the work he had done
> before the Star Wars saga. But one never really knows how a film is going
> to turn out. When you're an actor, you're just happy to be working. And if
> you're working for people who have the kind of reputation that George
> Lucas has then you're very lucky."
> Williams, who's appearing this weekend at the Calgary Comic &
> Entertainment Expo, doesn't mind he regularly gets called upon to revive
> Lando Calrissian.
> "It's fun for me," he says.
> "At this point in my life, I'm just enjoying myself."
> lisa.wil...@sunmedia.ca
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