The Machine Girl (aka Kataude Mashin Garu) is about a young woman (Played by
the very cute Minase Yashiro wearing the traditional school uniform.)
seeking revenge for the death of her brother and his friend that was
bullied then murdered by the son of a Yakuza chief. In her solo attempt to
seek revenge she loses an half of an arm in the process. After gaining the
friendship of the father of her brother's friend he builds her a prosthetic
arm that is an eight barrel machine gun to help her fight the Yakuza and

This movie is splatteriffic! There are multiple blood splatter scenes that
are so over the top that they are laughable. (If you have seen any of the
Lone Wolf and Cub movies you know what I mean by that.) Other scenes are so
gory that they are almost cartoony with violence. Somehow you find yourself
routing for her anyway. The movie was made by the Nikkatsu film (and Tokyo
Shock) company in Japan who are famous for their Pinky Violence (basically
bad girls taking revenge) and Roman Porno movies in the 1960s-80s. Great
action, although not totally believable, but who cares? Its fun! Check it

They have an English dubbed version of the movie so that helps out a lot
with the action.

Rated R

3 stars for creative gore.

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