Part One
by Mogadishu Jones

There are three things that will always exist in comics. The first two are 
racism and misogyny. The last is that fan-boys will continually try to argue 
that the first two were things of the past and that they are gone from comics 
today. Nothing could be further from the truth. Racism and misogyny are alive 
and well in the comics world. The world of comics has a stubborn tendency to 
resist the urge to portray blacks, gays, and females as anything except 
stereotyped punchlines. Don't get me wrong, I love comics. I have loved comics 
for about twenty years and I will probably continue to love comics. A big part 
of this is the racism and misogyny. I just find that shit to be hilarious.
A few years ago, DC decided to make a few changes to their old superhero roster 
with the intent of sprucing up their image in the minority community. Many 
people saw this initial announcement as a positive measure. They received it 
with hope and a sense that things were finally going to change. Minority 
characters were going to be represented in the comic pages in a positive and 
prominent light. What these people failed to consider is that they were dealing 
with DC Comics. This was the company that employed Murray Boltinoff. Who was 
he? He was an editor who allegedly ordered a colorist to change the dark skin 
tone on a background character. There was no official reason was given for this 
change of skin tone. However, writer/artist/former DC staffer Jim Shooter said 
that all of his attempts to introduce black characters in to DC Comics in the 
1960s were rebuffed by Boltinoff. Please note that I am not calling Boltinoff a 
bigot. I am just allowing the
 complete lack of black characters in the pages of the books he was in charge 
of to speak for itself.


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