In light of recent events regarding General McChrystal and his replacement 
General Patraeus, there is an interesting article in the June/July 2010 issue 
of Esquire. 

In a nutshell, before his scandal broke, Rep. Massa sat down with the editors 
of Esquire and told them: "Gentlemen, what we have here is a constitutional 
crisis.  If what I've been told is true - and I believe it is - General David 
Petraeus, a commander with soldiers deployed in two theaters of war, has had 
multiple meetings with Dick Cheney, the former vice-president of the United 
States, to discuss Petraeus' candidacy for Republican nomination for the 
presidency.  And in fact, that's more than a constitutional crisis.  That's 

Massa goes on to purport that Patraeus and former Vice President Dick Cheney 
were in cahoots to prolong and undermine the war effort in Afghanistan so that 
General Patraeus could run against Obama in the 2012 election - and win.  The 
master plan is to recoup the Presidency with General Patraeus and then to 
engage in a policy of perpetual war someplace in the world.

"We have to see this for what it is," Massa said, his voice pleading.  "There 
is a reason that we have in this country civilian leadership of the military.  
It is, among other things, to avoid something like this.  Because in order to 
succeed electorally, General Petraeus must fail militarily.  You understand?  
In order to succeed electorally, he must fail his mission.  Were he to win - 
and he would win in a landslide - we would be witness to an American coup 
d'etat.  It is the functional equivalent of the political overthrow of the 

Massa went on, "You've got a commander with armies in the field, and he's 
plotting with Dick Cheney to bring down his commander-in-chief.  How is that 
not a coup?"

After telling his story to Esquire and the Pentagon, first term congressman 
Eric Massa found his reputation and his political career ground to a pulp.

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