To paraphrase The Great Meatloaf, "Three out of five ain't bad." I'll take
"Ion", "Pacific Rim" and "All You Need is Kill" with a smile. Thanks for
this, Brent!

On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 11:36 PM, brent wodehouse <> wrote:

> Sci-fi romantic epic in works
> By Borys Kit, REUTERS
> LOS ANGELES - Thank "Avatar" for Hollywood's resurgent interest in sci-fi.
> Fox is getting ready to bet on sci-fi again and is the lead contender to
> pick up an original spec script titled "Ion."
> Channing Tatum ("Dear John") is attached to star in the project, which is
> labeled a sci-fi romantic epic, with Ridley and Tony Scott attached to
> produce. Tatum will also serve as a producer.
> The plot revolves around a man who travels to different Earths and
> dimensions in order to find his reincarnated lover. Execs are using the
> magic word -- "Avatar" -- to describe the scope and otherworldly elements
> of the script.
> "Ion" actually made the rounds last year but didn't take. In the
> post-"Avatar" Hollywood, however, the script is generating renewed
> interest. It attracted the Scott brothers, who helped develop British
> writer Will Dunn's script further, which led to Tatum's involvement.
> But credit "Avatar," with its record-breaking $2.7 billion worldwide take
> and envelope-pushing technology, as well as the strong critical and
> commercial showing of last year's "Star Trek" and "District 9," for
> opening the door for sci-fi projects like never before.
> Since "Avatar" introduced the Navi'i to Hollywood, a slew of projects have
> been set up. Among them:
> "All You Need is Kill" - Warner Bros. plunked seven figures for Dante
> Harper-scripted adaptation of a Japanese novel by Hiroshi Sakurazaka. The
> story follows a new recruit in a war against aliens who finds himself
> caught in a time loop where he wakes up one day in the past after having
> been killed on the battlefield. Doug Liman is now circling to direct the
> movie.
> "Mass Effect" - In May, WB-based producer Legendary picked up the rights
> to the the Electronic Arts-BioWare video game. Mark Protosevich, the
> scribe who wrote "I Am Legend" and worked on "Thor," is writing the
> script. "Mass" is an epic sci-fi action game set in the year 2183,
> focusing on a human soldier and his starship, the SSV Normandy. The
> galaxy-spanning story involves a long-extinct race of aliens, dormant
> beacons and more alien species than you can shake a box of Unobtanium at.
> "Pacific Rim" - Also in May, Legendary picked up a 25-page treatment from
> "Clash of the Titans" scribe Travis Beacham. The story is reportedly set
> in a future in which malevolent creatures threaten the earth, and the
> planet must band together and use highly advanced technology to eradicate
> the growing menace.
> "Logan's Run" - The title had been at Warners for years, but is benefiting
> from the sci-fi wave. Carl Rinsch is now on board to direct and "28 Days
> Later..." writer Alex Garland is penning the script.

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant

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