Luke Cage or a Heroes For Hire movie could work if done right. 
The character has evolved a quite a bit and is viewed as man of respect in 
Marvel now. The biggest thing is finding the right villain to pair him against. 
Bushmaster with a name change could make a credible villain. 

If they wanted to do a weird take on Jonah Hex Joe Lansdale and Tim Truman's 
miniseries would have been the logical choice. They went for none of the above.

--- In, George Arterberry <brotherfromhow...@...> 
> Very good article. Totally agree that comic does not be made into a movie. I 
> cringe at the thought of a Luke Cage "Powerman" comic.Hex would have played 
> better on small screen.
> ________________________________
> From: Said Kakese Dibinga <s...@...>
> To:
> Sent: Wed, June 30, 2010 2:46:20 AM
> Subject: [scifinoir2] What Hollywood can learn from 'Jonah Hex'
>  Said Yenga Kakese Dibinga
> Director General, Bayindo Group SA
> POB 1782
> Los Angeles, CA 90078-1782
> em: s...@bayindogroup. com
> skype: saiddibinga

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