Ah, sadly, we are somewhat at odds then, Martin. You see, it's fiendishly
difficult to describe, but... Words fail me. The sight when one
encounters... when the vision of... ineffable. I guess the feeling...
beyond the ken of mere mortals (certainly this mortal :-). It pushes one
out of acceptable comportment into a sort of glassy-eyed delirium. You
see, there; it makes one confused and exhilarated at the same time.


I've ceased making sense. All I can be certain of is that the effect is
total. :-)


Martin Baxter <martinbaxt...@gmail.com> wrote:

Brent, as a Leg Man for Life, I am bereft.

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:29 PM, brent wodehouse
<brent_wodeho...@thefence.us> wrote:




    Is 2010 New York City, America's "Summer of Ass"?

    By Foster Kamer

    Mon., Jul. 12 2010

    The times, they change. The ebb and flow of the universe is simply
    something to be gerneally understood as such, and nothing more. For
    action, there's an equal reaction. And for every physics law, there's a
    metaphysical plane to apply it to that generally shows its face when
    look at it from the right direction at a certain point. Like this one.
    From behind. In other words:

    In 2009, New York City, and the rest of America had the Summer of

    In 2010, New York City, and the rest of America has the Summer of Ass.

    Because 2009 was the Summer, when, like, every celebrity died! And
    sad. So America must be rewarded with something. The revitalized
    popularity emerging for big derrieres -- an easily-achievable physical
    feat, one may argue -- is, of course, society's natural karmic award
    bearing the pain of all those dead celebrities last year.

    The New York Daily News didn't note this in their piece of the Summer
    Ass -- which, by the way, Runnin' Scared Dot Com would like to
    get behind (heh) in a big way (heh, that's another big ass joke, right
    there) -- but after much looking, and looking, and looking, and
talking to
    impressively-assed celebrities like Kim Kardashian, they think they've
    unlocked the secret of the reemergence of the ample back-asset

    'Gone are the days of being ashamed of a wider bottom, with America
    becoming more diverse amid shifting standards, according to Stylesight
    trend analyst Sharon Graubard. "I think it's about the diversity of our
    population and more accepted beauty, and a wider range of accepted
    beauty," Graubard explains.'

    Realize what a win-win situation this is for everyone:

    * The Big-Bottomed: Pleased.
    * The "Ass Men": Pleased.
    * The Workout Industry: Pleased.
    * The Food Industry: Pleased.
    * The Ass-Accentuating Denim Industry: Pleased.
    * Pat Kiernan: Pleased

    Of all of society's ills, will the large-ass trend work to heal any of
    them? Only time will tell. In the mean time, there's certainly one
    marginalized group that may -- nay, must -- see something good yielded
    all of this:

    * The "Booty Jam" Nostalgists.
    Lest you not understand what a "Booty Jam" is, all you need to know
is: It
    is a song created for hyper-utilization by those with, um, big asses.
    hopefully, these songs will come back, because they are amazing.
    Certainly, you can have your Sir Mix-A-Lot, you may have your "Apple
    Bottom Jeans" and your Nelly, but ah, you don't know anything about
    69 Boyz, and 2 Live Crew's heyday, until you experience it. Like this.

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