Right, which is why I kinda wish they'd take the time to get it right and do it 
completely from scratch, instead of using this conversion stuff. It seems 
though, from this article, that the director has access to true 3D cameras, but 
simply finds the process too cumbersome and complex? 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" <hellomahog...@gmail.com> 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 11:11:52 PM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] It's official: 'Thor' and 'Captain America' will be 
3-D films 

>From what I've read in the trade magazines they don't have a selection of 
>pro-level 3d cameras yet. There are only 2 types of 3d camera available right 
>now. 2 similar cameras bolted together or a weird lens system. The companies 
>that make pro level cameras just recently perfected high res cameras last 
>year. (there are also format issues such as 4.2.2 vs 4.4.4, RED etc.) Then 
>Avatar came along and now everyone wants to shoot in 3d which produces a whole 
>new set of problems (like proper focus of a stereo image) they will be kind of 
>re-inventing the wheel with 3d unless everything is done in CGI. Which is why 
>most directors haven't made the leap yet. Also, the pricing for the cameras is 
>huge right now. 

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:18 PM, Keith Johnson < keithbjohn...@comcast.net > 

So each movie will be shot primarily in 2D--except for some fight scenes--then 
converted to 3D? I wish I understood why the conversion is better. The Cap 
movie director says shooting in 3D was horrible, hence the conversion route. 
But isn't it better to do it completely in 3D from the start, the way Cameron 
did? This half-a$$ system is more irritating than the nigh-irrational move to 
3D itself. 

And dude, one thing from the article: David Tennant as a possible Bruce Banner? 
That would be freaking awesome, almost as much as Jackie Earle Haley in the 
role! I just don't see Nathan Filian--way too big and macho. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "brent wodehouse" < brent_wodeho...@thefence.us > 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 11:42:01 PM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] It's official: 'Thor' and 'Captain America' will be 3-D 

Hero Complex 

For your inner fanboy 

It's official: 'Thor' and 'Captain America' will be 3-D films 

July 14, 2010 



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