Jeff, let more pour forth!

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 1:49 PM, <> wrote:

> Sometimes stuff just comes pouring out - jeff.
> ========================================
> My sensory matrix seems to be offline. I was aware of myself, but nothing
> more. I know who I am but I do not know *where* I am or what my goal set
> is. Of course, that assumes that I was goal seeking. Wait. I need to restart
> my cybernetics. My shield is active, I’m alive but longer on course. My eyes
> are open but no light is reaching my imaging cortex. Or perhaps it’s simply
> dark.
> Switching to infra-red was unrevealing. Emitting vlf sonics. There, solids
> are within a meter in all directions, however, I seem to be reclined on a
> flat featureless surface. Puzzling, these surfaces are not reflective across
> the IR spectrum… an unknown material?. Cyber-reset completed. Capture all
> sensor matrices… emit subspace status report. No response. This container
> must include EM damping material or fields. I’m detecting a suitable
> atmosphere beyond this enclosure.
> I can sit upright but standing is not possible. I need an aperture.
> Emitting uhf sonics. Ah, there is a seal directly above me running at least
> my length. Perhaps a photonic stream would force an opening. Wait, perhaps
> my confinement is temporary. Shield off. I reached upward and pushed the
> aperture open. Light came flooding in; imager adapted. Better stand now.
> There are life forms all about. Moving, speaking. Language processors
> engaged. They are reacting to my presence. I am *the unknown*.
> Standing now, optic & audio reset confirmed. “Hello – can anyone hear me”.
> Silence. Just then, a craft took station directly above me. A voice advised
> me to be unafraid. I’m being lifted into that craft now, but without
> attachments.
> *
> Who are you? *
> My name is Marteel I answered. I am an explorer on a mission of discovery.
> My sensory matrix appears to be restored so I can interact with you. Who are
> you and where are we?
> *We are the Drolmecs and you are now on the planet Zindrol. *
> I asked them, Do you know of the Milky Way?
> Someone replied, *Which way would be milky? *
> It is my home galaxy. Wait, I can show you. I emitted a panoramic view of
> the Milky Way onto a wall and indicated the general position of my solar
> system. I am from here. My hosts perused the image and suddenly one of them
> was amazed to find what he believed was Zindrol, the clue was a tri-nary
> star system. It would appear that I have traveled to a point about half way
> to the center of the galaxy. I am puzzled, Autonav seems to have been on
> course. But, this stop was not in my instructions to Autonav. I explained to
> my hosts that something has gone awry with my navigation plan. One of my
> hosts explained that I was intercepted when I appeared on one of their
> tracking systems. Ahhh, so that’s why I was in a container.
> *It was used for our and your protection, said one of my hosts*.
> Just then a compliment of armed guards joined us. They treated me as a
> prisoner. I explained that I was Marteel, a simple explorer on a scouting
> mission. To no avail. I was escorted from this complex and into another
> craft. In a few moments I was taken into a security center and restrained.
> *Where is your craft?*
> Craft? I queried. Ah,  my kind no longer use crafts, we use personal
> nano-shields, or a bubble of sorts. It protects us by creating an
> impenetrable environment to contain and protect us as we travel.
> *Well, how do you propel yourself through open space without thrusters? *
> We use magnetic fields generated by stars, planets and artifacts along our
> path. Autonav alternatively attracts me toward or repels me from space borne
> objects and fields; and thereby executes my course.
> *What is an autonav?*
> It is what I call my *auto*nomous goal seeking *nav*igation subsystem. I
> enter my destination to Autonav which uses these EM forces to manage my
> course. I use the travel time to conduct myriad experiments and analysis;
> otherwise I hibernate. But, I think Autonav needs a restart now. Am I a
> prisoner here? I’m a simple explorer and mean you no harm.
> *We are still very confused Marteel. Without a vessel, where are your
> computers, life support subsystems, communications equipment and the like?
> *
> As I indicated, my vessel is my nano-shield. Specific regions of nanites
> around my shield are configured to perform many tasks, including
> communications, EM and subspace emitters and detectors, and many other
> sensors for various purposes. My internal environment is also managed at the
> nano scale, by simply reconfiguring space borne particles into atoms,
> molecules, and substances as needed… oxygen, nitrogen, and so on. Of course,
> most of the raw molecules are already space borne and must be collected and
> re-processed as needed by my nanites. Several of my hosts began to speak at
> once with clear excitement… but one of the officials interrupted them.
> *What is your mission? he asked.*
> I am to locate the massive black hole at the center of our galaxy and...
> *The room erupted with laughter. An official told me that his kind try to
> avoid such anomalies. Why would you intentionally seek such a thing?*
> I understand your responses, my scouting mission, simply put, is to …

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant

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