I would love to see Avatar again and the added scene is a bonus enticement, 

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 3:08 PM
To: SciFiNoir2 
Subject: [scifinoir2] 'Avatar' Re-Release Includes Alien Sex Scene

Is this trip really necessary? And would any of you take it?


            'Avatar' Re-Release Includes Alien Sex Scene 

            James Cameron restores an intimate scene between Jake and Naytiri 
for the epic's end of the summer re-release 

            By William Yelles

            When "Avatar" returns to theaters in 3-D and 3-D IMAX for a limited 
engagement Aug. 27, among the eight minutes of new bonus footage is a scene 
that has had fanboys buzzing for months. 

            "It's been restored, every last frame of it. Seriously," director 
James Cameron tells MTV News. However, "I would say, just so that we correctly 
manage people's expectations, it does not change our rating at all. I would 
call it more of an alien foreplay scene. It's not like they're ripping their 
clothes off and going at it." 

            Naytiri (Zoe Saldana) and Jake's (Sam Worthington) lovemaking is 
described as "the ultimate intimacy" in the screenplay. "They come together 
into a kiss and sink down on the bed of moss, and ripples of light spread out 
around them." 

            Cameron is also said to be considering shooting the two sequels to 
"Avatar" back-to-back since the movies would involve so much motion capture and 
special effects work. He also claims to be working on a novelization of the 
first film.

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell 
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant


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