Newsweek Slams Fox News-Promoted Obama Myths
Post by NewsOne Staff <> in
Nation<>on Sep 1, 2010 at 4:27 pm

[image: 0000012acdde1165c55790bb007f000000000001.newsweek]

Just days after PolitiFact criticized the 18% of respondents in a recent
poll who believe President Obama is Muslim — awarding them its
“Pants-On-Fire” false rating — Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter offers a strong
case against that and other myths and lies about the president.

In a cover story today titled “The Making of a Terrorist-Coddling,
War-Mongering, Wall Street-Loving, Socialist, Godless, Muslim President –
who isn’t actually any of these things,” Alter goes myth-by-myth to correct
the record and critique those who perpetuate it.

Alter of Newsweek:

Our maddening times demand that the truth be forthrightly stated at the
outset, and not just that the president has nothing in common with the
führer beyond the possession of a dog. The outlandish stories about Barack
Hussein Obama are simply false: he wasn’t born outside the United States
(the tabloid “proof” has been debunked as a crude forgery); he has never
been a Muslim (he was raised by an atheist and became a practicing Christian
in his 20s); his policies are not “socialist” (he explicitly rejected advice
to nationalize the banks and wants the government out of General Motors and
Chrysler as quickly as possible); he is not a “warmonger” (he promised in
2008 to withdraw from Iraq and escalate in Afghanistan and has done so); he
is neither a coddler of terrorists (he has already ordered the killing of
more “high value” Qaeda targets in 18 months than his predecessor did in
eight years), nor a coddler of Wall Street (his financial-reform package,
while watered down, was the most vigorous since the New Deal), nor an enemy
of American business (he and the Chamber of Commerce favor tax credits for
small business that were stymied by the GOP to deprive him of a victory).
And that’s just the short list of lies.

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