rave... would be extremely disturbing if I were to say that I'd pay good
money to be in the vicinity of any of those?

On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Kelwyn <ravena...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> http://www.weirdworm.com/6-extraterrestrial-disasters-that-make-us-glad-we-are-on-earth/
> Earth has plenty of natural disasters and tragedies; we have tornadoes that
> rip up the Midwest yearly, hurricanes that flatten and drown cities, and
> volcanic eruptions that evacuate entire island nations. But the rest of the
> solar system is a much harsher place, with disasters that would end life as
> we know it if they happened here.
> 1. Volcanoes on Io
> Volcanoes are a big deal here on Earth; they are worshiped as gods, and
> rightfully feared for their ability to both create and destroy. I haven't
> heard of any other natural disaster that has caused entire civilizations to
> disappear or to have to pack up and move; In my lifetime I can cite Mt
> Pinatubo and Montserrat as two cases where an entire island nation has had
> to jump ship because the volcano they lived on tried to kill them. And we
> have some doozies; calderas are what we also call super volcanoes, which are
> volcanoes that stretch for hundreds of miles and have the power to kill us
> all.
> On Jupiter's moon, Io, that kind of thing is a daily occurrence. The stress
> of passing through Jupiter's massively powerful magnetic field, along with
> being bathed in radiation from the giant planet causes the moon to boil over
> with sulfur volcanoes constantly.
> The volcanic explosions can toss material up to 120 miles into the sky, and
> generate lava flows that are hundreds of miles long. That would be like
> Krakatoa, which changed the world climate for several years after it blew
> up, every day, several times a day. Imagine the planet where Anakin
> Skywalker got his legs chopped off (you saw Revenge of the Sith, right? Oh,
> *SPOILER*), except without an atmosphere, and constantly bathed in
> radiation.

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant


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