In 1987, Jon Hein and his roommates at the University of Michigan were drinking 
beer and had Nick at Nite playing in the background. They started talking about 
classic TV shows when someone asked, "What was the precise moment you knew it 
was downhill for your favorite show?" One said it was when Vicki came on board 
"The Love Boat." Another thought it was when the Great Gazoo appeared on "The 
Flintstones." Sean Connolly offered, "That's easy: It was when Fonzie jumped 
the shark." As Hein later recounted, there was silence in the room: "No 
explanation necessary, the phrase said it all."

If I had been in the room, however, I would have broken that silence of 
self-assuredness, for I wrote that now infamous episode of "Happy Days."

And more than three decades later, I still don't believe that the series 
"jumped the shark" when Fonzie jumped the shark.

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