Hi everyone,

Please see the announcement below for a docathon to be held at BIDS in
March.  You do not need to be on campus to contribute.

I hope to make some progress on the scikit-image docs, specifically by
including examples of how to interact with other tools (ImageJ, Keras,
etc.) and how to do some common tasks (like painting a mask in Gimp).

I hope you can join us.

Best regards


*What's a Docathon?* It's a week-long sprint where we focus our efforts
on improving the state of documentation in the open-source and open-
science world. This means writing better documentation, building tools,
and sharing skills.

*Who’s this for?*
Anyone who is interested in improving the understandability,
accessibility, and clarity of software! This might mean developers with
a particular project, or individuals who would like to contribute to a
project. You don’t need to use a specific language (though there will be
many Python and R developers) and you don’t need to be a core developer
in order to help out.

*Where can I sign up?* Check out the _Docathon website_[1]. You can sign
up as a _participant_[2], _suggest a project_[3] to work on, or sign up
_to host your own_[4] remote Docathon wherever you like. You don’t have
to use a specific language - we’ll be as accommodating as possible!

*When is the Docathon?* The Docathon will be held *March 6 through March
10*. For those coming to BIDS at UC Berkeley, on the first day we'll
have tutorials about documentation and demos of documentation tools,
followed by a few hours of hacking. During the middle of the week, we'll
set aside a few hours each afternoon for hacking as a group at BIDS. On
the last day, we'll have a wrap-up event to show off what everybody
worked on.

*Where will the Docathon take place?* There are a _few docathons being
held simultaneously_[5], each with their own schedule. At Berkeley we'll
have a physical presence at BIDS over the week, and we encourage you to
show up for the hours we set aside for doc hacking. However, it is
totally fine to work remotely; we will coordinate people via
email/GitHub, too.

*Where can I get more information?*

Check out an updated schedule, list of tutorials, and more information
at our website here: _bids.github.io/docathon_.

*Contact* If you have any questions, open an issue on our _GitHub
repo_[6]. We look forward to hearing from you!

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who may be interested.
We'd love for other institutions/groups to get involved.


  1. https://bids.github.io/docathon/
  2. https://goo.gl/forms/AaW2b24mMxOutxt02
  3. https://goo.gl/forms/0cPpw01zehrEyDDE3
  4. https://bids.github.io/docathon/pages/hosting.html
  5. https://bids.github.io/docathon/pages/hosts.html
  6. https://github.com/BIDS/docathon
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