What I find numba brings to the table is a significantly more expressive
and easier to maintain code base.  Essentially writing basic bare bones
loops often are easiest to JIT.  They are then easier to debug, and faster
to iterate on thanks to removing the compilation step.

I haven't checked recently if numba is happy with certain very useful
features like np.nditer - if so, actually a large chunk of our Cython could
be replaced by simpler JITted code while making it n-D.

That said, Cython isn't going anywhere for the reasons Stéfan mentions
above... but I believe as soon as it is reasonable adding numba would yield
large benefits. Probably even more so than we fully appreciate.

Looks like we're nearing that point.


On Jul 13, 2017 11:23 AM, "Stefan van der Walt" <stef...@berkeley.edu>

On Thu, Jul 13, 2017, at 03:04, imag...@sina.com wrote:

May I start a new topic thread? with the test image, and my numba code.

Yes, please.


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