Hello Massimo

I believe this is an issue others, including me, have faced:


I reverted to the stable versions of numpy and scipy from their
website, and the bleeding-edge scikit-learn, and it works.
I find it very difficult to compile numpy and scipy on macos so I
guess I'll personally just wait for the next superpack, unless you,
Fabian or someone else can point me to the correct combination of
Python, C compiler, FORTRAN compiler and flags.

Also I'm not sure what "fixed in current version" means. The numpy bug
doesn't seem fixed, but I think the bleeding-edge scikit-learn won't
trip on it anymore. I took the easy way out :)


On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:23 AM, Massimo Di Stefano
<massimodisa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> i'm running osx lion with the default system python.
> I have installed on my system the following version for python, bumpy, scipy :
> Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Jun 16 2011, 16:59:05)
> [GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)] on darwin
>>>> import numpy as np
>>>> import scipy as sp
>>>> np.version.version
> '2.0.0.dev-7297785'
>>>> sp.version.version
> '0.11.0.dev-04b8d87'
>>>> sklearn.__version__
> '0.9'
> i've installed sklearn using easy_install -U
> running the test :
> python -c "import sklearn; sklearn.test()"
> i received a python segfault,
> the shel log is [0] while the osx log is [1]
> http://www.geofemengineering.it//log/scikit_log.txt
> http://www.geofemengineering.it//log/scikit_osx_log.txt
> need i to try again a dev  ersion of sklearn or provide any other info to 
> debug this problem ?
> thanks a lot!
> Massimo.
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