Hi Christian,

The score method does not play any role in fit.

Are you sure the RF classifier is the same in both case? (have you set
the random state to the same value?)

Can you provide some code in any case?



On 21 September 2012 20:45, Christian Jauvin <cjau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a classifier which derives from RandomForestClassifier, in
> order to implement a custom "score" method. This obviously affects
> scoring results obtained with cross-validation, but I observed that it
> seems to also affect the actual predictions. In other words, the same
> RF classifier with two different scoring functions will produce
> different predictions. Perhaps I'm confused, but this doesn't seem
> obvious to me, as I assumed that the scoring mechanism was somewhat
> independent from the training one. So my question is: does a
> classifier's "score" method play any role in the working of its "fit"
> method?
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