Am 23.01.2013 18:39, schrieb Lars Buitinck:
> if you want more predictions or something...
> More in detail: OneVsRestClassifier exports an object called
> label_binarizer_, which is used to transform decision function values
> D back to class labels. By default, it picks all the classes for which
> D > 0, but its threshold argument can be used to change that.
> So, if clf is an OvR classifier and
>      D = clf.decision_function(x)
> for a *single sample* x contains no positive values, then
>      # untested, may contain mistakes
>      clf.label_binarizer_.inverse_transform(D, threshold=(D.max() + epsilon))
> will predict at least one class label for x, namely the one with the
> highest value according to the decision_function. The epsilon is
> needed because inverse_transform compares values using >, not >=; set
> it to a small value. Doing this for batches of samples is a bit more
> involved.
> Of course, you can set the threshold to any value. Whether any of this
> makes sense depends on your problem.
> [I used to be opposed to exporting the LabelBinarizer object on OvR
> estimators, but I guess I should give up the struggle now -- this is
> actually useful.]
I didn't even realize this possibility existed. I would have done it "by 
Thanks for the instructions.

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