Hello everyone,
    I'm Mingxing Zhang, currently a Ph.D. student at Tsinghua University in
China (majoered in Computer Science in Institute for High Performance
    If possible, I want to apply for the idea "Coordinated descent in
linear models beyond squared loss (eg Logistic)" in GSoC. This project is
very attractive for me, and I think I'm suitable to fulfill it.

    First, I'm familiar with logistic regression and interesting in its
optimization. Actually, during the last 9 months, I interned in System
Research Group <http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/groups/sr/> of
Microsoft Research Asia on a similar problem. Under Chuntao
mentoring, I re-write Microsoft Search Technology Center (aka bing.com)'s
L-BFGS implementation with MPI and finally reduce its execution time from 3
days per 40 iteration to less than 3 hours with even less machines (2TB
data in total, I use 20 mechines, eache of them has 16 cores).

    Second, I love python! I use python in almost all the projects if speed
is not that critical, it saves me a lot of time. And I also cooperated with
friends and created http://synclee.net/ with Django.

    Third, I'm good at algorithms. I have attended to ACM International
Collegiate Programming Contest and ranked 36 at 2012 World Finals in Poland
(a list of my awards can be find

    Finally, sorry for applying in such a later time. I accidentaly comed
accross the news of GSoC in weibo.com (twitter of China) today, and taken
this a good oppotunity to get involve in open source projects, which help
me a lot. After skimming the idea lists of several projects, I think that
this is the most suitable idea for me.

    So I wonder that wether this position is still available, or is there
anything I can do to maximize my oppotunity?

Thanks a lot.


高性能计算研究所 FIT楼3-122

Mingxing Zhang

Tel.: +86-10-62797143
Room 3-122, FIT Building
Institute for High Performance Computing,
Department of Computer Science and Technology,
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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