On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 01:47:26PM +0200, Andreas Mueller wrote:
> As far as I understood (90% certainty), github supports automatic
> redirects via jekyll (it will generate loads of /stable/auto_examples/.. 
> files that redirect to /auto_examples/...).

I am perfectly happy to drop the auto_examples, and other minor features
of the .htaccess. The two important things are:

* http://scikit-learn.org must give us the front page

* http://scikit-learn.org/stable/foo.html should give us the stable docs
  (I am not in favor of merging them in the root directory)

For these two, I'd like to avoid user-visible redirects.

> If we keep everything in stable except the index, I guess it would work 
> the other way around.

Yes, this would be a fairly good solution, I believe.

> I'd favor the "redirect /stable to /" solution to the "redirect / to 
> stable" solution, but both have their pros and cons.

We should drop the current rewrite / to stable. It was there for backward
compatibility, but I don't think that it's needed anymore.

> Collisions are possible, but only if we have a subfolder on the website 
> called "dev", "0.14" (or any other X.X),

It's not only about collisions, it's also that I find the URL more


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