Hi all,

Jaques and I have recently been working on moving the dev
documentation build job out of Fabian's workstation to a server on the
public Rackspace Cloud.

The deployment of the documentation build server is now fully
automated thanks to this script and configuration:


It uses Apache Libcloud to contact Rackspace, find the IP address of
the docbuilder server or start a Ubuntu 12.04 VM if no existing VM can
be found then uses SaltStack to configure the server:

- create a non-root user sklearn
- install a pair of ssh keys suitable for sourceforge upload
- install all build dependencies using system packages
- create a venv to install additional python packages (sphinx) in more
recent versions
- clone the scikit-learn git repo
- configure a cron job that updates the git repo, build sklearn, build
the doc and rsync it to sourceforge every hour.

The README.md has more info. If you are curious the salt configuration is here:


The provisioning script is here:


If you are interested in being a co-admin for this, please feel free
to ask me the rackspace credentials and the private SSH key.

Thanks again to rackspace for the free Rackspace Cloud account. I will
issue a pull request to thank them in the doc.

http://twitter.com/ogrisel - http://github.com/ogrisel

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