2014-03-14 15:34 GMT+01:00 Kevin Keraudren <kevin.keraudre...@imperial.ac.uk>:
> Hi,
> I have a question related to the range of my input data for SVM or
> Random Forests for classification:
> I normalise my input vectors so that their euclidean norm is one, for
> instance to limit the influence of the image size or intensity contrast.
> I took the habit of then scaling them, multiplying them by a factor 1000
> so that I have values between 0 and 1000 instead of 0 and 1, and thus
> less values "close to zero". I guess it does not hurt to do so, but
> would you know if it is useful? Do the SVM and Random Forests already do
> some normalisation before starting to learn the data?

Random Forest (and decision tree-based models in general) are scale independent.

SVMs are very sensitive to scaling in the sense that all features
should vary in the same ranges. The actual width of the ranges should
not matter much as long as it's does not cause numerical stability
issues (both the 0-1 range and the 0-1000 ranges should work) and that
you grid search hyperparameters such as C and gamma for their optimal


You can use sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler to center the data
(mean feature values are 0) and have each feature have a standard
deviation of 1. Scaling between 0 and 1 works well too. This is
implemented by MinMaxScaler. More discussion in the doc:


I don't see any reason why the 0-1000 range would work better than the
0-1 range.

> I have a similar questions for the Random Forests for regression: how is
> the minimal MSE required for a split define? Here again, if I scale my
> input by a factor 1000, shall I expect the resulting trees to be
> different (excluding the random aspect of Random Forests)?

The decision to stop splitting in a tree is controlled by:

- max_depth
- min_samples_leaf
- min_samples_split

Otherwise, the regression trees are fully developed.

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