I am comparing the results of sklearn cross-validation and my own cross 

I tested linearSVC under the following conditions:

-          Data scaling per grid search

-          Data scaling + 2-level quantization, per grid search

Specifically, I have done the following:
Sklearn gridSearchCV

-          Create a pipeline with [StandardScaler, LinearSVC] if no binning is 
used,  or [StandardScaler, Binarizer, LinearSVC], if binning is used

-          Invoke sklearn gridsearch (only C is provided as a parameter to 
optimize over)

-          When done with gridsearch,

o   Scale entire training set

o   Scale test set (with mean/std found on training set)

o   Quantize, if quantization is used

o    run LinearSVC, with best C value found

My own grid search

-          Search over all possible values of C (same range as above)

-          For each value of C, use stratifiedKFold with random_seed set to a 
random number

o   Scale train cross-validation datased, and test cross validation dataset 
with train cv mean and std

o   If binning is used, apply binary binning (my own function), on top of 

o   For each value of C compute average score over all partition, where the 
score is defined as number of correctly classified samples / total number of 

-          When done with gridsearch,

o   Scale entire training set

o   Scale test set (with mean/std found on training set)

o   Quantize, if quantization is used

o    run LinearSVC, with best C value found

For some reason, I'm getting different results. In particular, sklearn 
gridsearch performs better than my own gridsearch when not using quantization, 
and it gets worse with quantization. With my own gridsearch I'm getting the 
opposite trend.

Is my understanding of sklearn gridsearch wrong, or are there any issues with 

Thank you,

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