Hi Vinayak.
Have you decided on your application topic?
I am trying to get a bit of an overview, and I think you haven't submitted anything yet. There are two other applications for the hyperparameter topic and one for the cross-validation and gridsearch improvements. Since Ragv is already working on cross-validation, we might prefer to give him the topic.

I have not looked at the hyperparameter proposals in detail, and it is certainly fair game to put in another one. You did a fair amount of work in the last couple days, so I'd be happy to see a good proposal from you ;)

I updated https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/wiki/Google-summer-of-code-%28GSOC%29-2015 to reflect the current proposal status.


On 03/09/2015 10:48 PM, Vinayak Mehta wrote:
Hello everyone!

I'm Vinayak Mehta, an undergraduate student of computer science at Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, Delhi.

Since the list is not definitive, I would like to ask if the topic "Online Low Rank Matrix Completion" which was there in the previous revisions of the list, will be added again by any chance?

The reason being it needs a scalable recommender system example and I am somewhat familiar with building a recommender system as I'm implementing one as my college mini project. I'm also familiar with the MovieLens dataset as I've built a small recommender system using it.

If it will not be added, then I'll start working to understand the other two ideas which I think I'm interested in, "Global optimization based Hyperparameter optimization" and
"Multiple metric support for cross-validation and gridsearches".

Vinayak Mehta (vortex_ape on freenode)

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