Well I did not use travis because I thought it was a little cumbersome to
have to push every little change I made to my Github repo, plus a travis
build takes ~15 min. I was looking for a way to keep the binaries for both
versions with the same source directory (I don't do edit cython files for
the moment) so that i could run some tests for different python environment
without having to wait for the long build process to complete.
But if travis is the way to go i'll use it, thanks for your answers.



2016-01-25 23:30 GMT+01:00 Andreas Mueller <t3k...@gmail.com>:

> On 01/25/2016 02:56 PM, WENDLINGER Antoine wrote:
> > Hello Jake,
> >
> > Thanks for your answer. I am already using conda, and having to clean
> > and rebuild everything everytime I want to switch versions is what I
> > want to avoid, since it's a bit long to accomplish. Using two
> > different source folders seems a bit silly since I would like to test
> > changes I just made in the code, and I don't see an easy way to
> > maintain the changes in two different directories.
> >
> Well you can't really make changes and apply them to different versions.
> What if the change was in a cython file? You need to recompile for each
> version.
> If the change was in a python file, you still need to have the binaries
> for all the different python versions around.
> Why don't you just use travis?
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