On Monday, August 29, 2016, Andreas Mueller <t3k...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 08/28/2016 01:16 PM, Raphael C wrote:
> On Sunday, August 28, 2016, Andy <t3k...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','t3k...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> On 08/28/2016 12:29 PM, Raphael C wrote:
>> To give a little context from the web, see e.g. http://www.quuxlabs.com/b
>> log/2010/09/matrix-factorization-a-simple-tutorial-and-
>> implementation-in-python/ where it explains:
>> "
>> A question might have come to your mind by now: if we find two matrices 
>> [image:
>> \mathbf{P}] and [image: \mathbf{Q}] such that [image: \mathbf{P} \times
>> \mathbf{Q}] approximates [image: \mathbf{R}], isn’t that our predictions
>> of all the unseen ratings will all be zeros? In fact, we are not really
>> trying to come up with [image: \mathbf{P}] and [image: \mathbf{Q}] such
>> that we can reproduce [image: \mathbf{R}] exactly. Instead, we will only
>> try to minimise the errors of the observed user-item pairs.
>> "
>> Yes, the sklearn interface is not meant for matrix completion but
>> matrix-factorization.
>> There was a PR for some matrix completion for missing value imputation at
>> some point.
>> In general, scikit-learn doesn't really implement anything for
>> recommendation algorithms as that requires a different interface.
> Thanks Andy. I just looked up that PR.
> I was thinking simply producing a different factorisation optimised only
> over the observed values wouldn't need a new interface. That in itself
> would be hugely useful.
> Depends. Usually you don't want to complete all values, but only compute a
> factorization. What do you return? Only the factors?
> The PR implements completing everything, and that you can do with the
> transformer interface. I'm not sure what the status of the PR is,
> but doing that with NMF instead of SVD would certainly also be interesting.

I was thinking you would literally return W and H so that WH approx X.  The
user can then decide what to do with the factorisation just like when doing

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