Dear scikit-learn Developers,

My Name is Orges Leka and I would like to implement
"Rapid Outlier Detection via Sampling" [1] in scikit-learn.
In R this method is already available [2] by the authors of the method.

In Python I have not seen any implementation yet. The method is very simple
yet effective as the authors show. First one selects say 20 points. Then
computes the shortest distance of all other points to these 20 points. This
is the outlier-score for one specific point.

It would be nice to implement this with different metrics / distances
(euclid, manhattan or other metrics) .

How would I start the implementation? I have already git-cloned
scikit-learn on my pc. Do I need to write object oriented or are functions
also ok?

If this succeeds, I would also like to extend the "example-outliers" doc
with the above method.

Kind regards
Dipl. Math. Orges Leka

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