Hi Aditya,

It's hard for us to answer without any specific question. Perhaps this will help: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/developers/contributing.html#reading-the-existing-code-base

The tree code is quite complex, because it is very generic and can support many different settings (multioutput, sparse data, etc) as well as many different parameters like max_features, splitter, presort... I would suggest being familiar with the different parameters before diving into the code.


On 1/14/20 6:00 AM, aditya aggarwal wrote:

I am trying to understand the order of functions call for performing classification using decision tree in sklearn. I need to make and test some changes in the algorithm used to calculate best split for my dissertation. I have looked up the documentation available of sklearn and other sources available online but couldn't seem to crack it. Any help would be appreciated.


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