Cupcake Kid wrote:

Hi, I recently installed Mono for Win32 and I added its bin directory
to PATH so I can access its compiler without using the Mono command
prompt.  However, the problem is, when I try and build something using
SciTE, I get the following message (this problem only affects C#,
C/C++, Java compilers work fine):

mcs test.cs -pkg:dotnet
The system cannot find the file specified.

This is the command line I added to

if PLAT_WIN*.cs=mcs $(FileNameExt) -pkg:dotnet

I removed the csc command since that only applies to the M$ C#
compiler.  I'm pretty sure I updated the PATH properly since I can
compile on a regular console using the same command line.

The mcs program is actually a batch file, first try changing mcs to mcs.bat

I'm dabbling with mono at home, I usually compile from the command line because mcs GPFs. Maybe I have to try replacing the batch file with the exe that it references.


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