Bambero wrote:
I made a simple shell script which uploads (to ftp server) curently open file.
I'm using:*=FTP put
command.3.*=put "$(FilePath)"

but it will be nice to do this command after each save.

How familiar are you with the Lua interface? The Lua/SciTE interface has an event OnSave() which is merely a Lua script function that is automatically called after a file has been saved. I have not dabbled with the Lua / SciTE interface for quite a long time, I may be rusty here.

You would have something like:

function OnSave()
   os.execute("put \"" .. props.FilePath .. "\"");
return false; end

os.execute() does a simple shell swap to run the program given as the parameter to it. props.FilePath is a Lua means to retrieve a SciTE property. If the property have spaces or periods in its name use props[ "" ]
The \" embeds a quote inside the string


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