On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 01:42:29PM +0200, Harald Vogt wrote:
> On Fre, 26 Mai 2000, Jim Rees wrote:
> > Another problem is that you really don't want (or at least I don't want) the
> > card to be present in the reader during the entire session.  I want to
> > insert the card, have it log me in, then remove the card.  Now I stay logged
> > in until I log out, either explicitly or by timeout.  That means the card
> Why don't you like your card being present during the session? If you pull
> out the card, you get logged out -- why not?

You might need the card reader for something else.
You might walk away and leave the card in the reader.

If you're running *inux, you might leave your login session going
for days (or months like me).

 Eric Murray www.lne.com/~ericm  ericm at the site lne.com  PGP keyid:E03F65E5
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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