From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Bruestle)
Subject: Re: MUSCLE Reflex 20 driver for linux out there?
Organization: PDP-11/34A
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> is getting in the way of the sources?  It could be as simple (he says
> with a cring) as creating a PCMCIA shim to provide a tty like interface
> for the 72 driver to talk to.

I'm currently writing a driver for the Reflex 20. The driver lets
it appear as a serial B1 reader. I assume the Reflex 72 is a serial
B1 reader.

When I have it working, I will write and publish a programmers
documentation of the Reflex 20.


endergone Zwiebeltuete

PGP: SIG:C379A331 ENC:F47FA83D      I LOVE MY PDP-11/34A, M70 and
If you put garbage in a computer nothing comes out but garbage.  But
this garbage, having passed through a very expensive machine, is
somehow enobled and none dare criticize it.                                          

David Corcoran                 Internet Security/Smartcards

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