Le Tuesday Jul 17, 2001 at 10:45:27AM +0200, Schalamonek Henrik a écrit :
> Hi there,
> I'm looking for a PKCS#11 implementation for linux that works with
> Crpyptoflex smart cards but could not find any. I would really
> appreciate if anyone could help me out. I'm also interested in other
> cards if it has a PKCS#11 library for linux.

You should have a look on http://www.forge.com.au/ under the section products/freeware.
You will find a pure Java OCF driver for the Shclumberger Reflex60 smart card terminal.
(Under BSD-like licence) 

And on http://www.cyberflex.com/Support/support.html (Schlumberger site)
You'll find a "Cyberflex for Linux Starter's Kit 2.1".

Hope it helps.

 Sébastien Abdi                       IDEALX S.A.S.
 Responsable du Département Sécurité  15,17, av. de Ségur
 Tél :                  F-75007 PARIS
 Cel :                  http://IDEALX.com/
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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