Hi Jose,

thanks for the report! You are correct, the definitions should be in different ENV commands. I created a PR against sclorg repository:



On 12/10/21 11:37 PM, Jose Gonzalez wrote:
Hi there!

I attempted to use the ubi8/nodejs-16-minimal image (https://catalog.redhat.com/software/containers/ubi8/nodejs-16-minimal/615aefd53f6014fa45ae1ae2 <https://catalog.redhat.com/software/containers/ubi8/nodejs-16-minimal/615aefd53f6014fa45ae1ae2>) and couldn't seem to get the PATH to refer to the appropriate $HOME location. The result is that the node_modules paths are all relative to root ("/") instead of relative to the /opt/app-root/src path

$ docker run -it registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/nodejs-16-minimal:latest <http://registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/nodejs-16-minimal:latest> printenv PATH

In testing on my machine, it seems to be because the HOME variable and the PATH variable are declared in the same ENV action. Separating them resolved this for me, though it seems like it should have worked as expected.

Either way, I wanted to report it to see if there was something that I could do to resolve this, or if there was simply an error in how I was using this image.


José R. González
Red Hat | Partner Lifecycle Engineering

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