True, it would be nice to have dynamic views as well, but this is currently the only solution with the way that Continuum works. So, if snapshots don't work for you, then I guess you will need to bother Emmanuel ;)



2005/12/1, dan tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
yup, I never try this before.  but teh checkout time will be very long for  my chase since my legacy system has a lots of dead, seldomlyused,larged files.
I rather to stay on the dynamic view rather than snapshot view.
If your system is new and you are carefully organize your soure tree, snapshot could be the way to go. but if you are using snapshot view
and the developer using dyanmic view, there will potential finger pointing when the build goes wrong.

On 12/1/05, Wim Deblauwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
That is not true if you create a snapshot view. It can be in any directory. I already implemented and tested this. You can then do a 'cleartool update' and that will update the snapshot view.



2005/12/1, dan tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
After checkout, clearcase dictates to location of checkout directory
on my windows
on my unix
So continuum must allow a way to change per build entry to the new working direct
rather ${continuum-workdir}/#
We must stay on clearcase directory inorder to do other update/changelog commands

On 12/1/05, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> I prefer that too, so  I filed
> . If that is easy to fix,
> could you send me the fix so I continue testing?

I'll fix it today or tomorrow.


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