On 12/5/05, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wim Deblauwe a écrit :
> 2005/12/2, Emmanuel Venisse < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
>     Wim Deblauwe a écrit :
>      > Hi,
>      >
>      > I managed to get ClearCase working with Continuum, but there are
>     still 2
>      > things that need to be addressed:
>      >
>      > 1) The view name needs to depend on the artifactId, otherwise you
>     can
>      > only add 1 project in Continuum when using ClearCase. Any idea's
>     on how
>      > I can get the artifactId in my ClearCaseCheckoutCommand (and update
>      > command)
>     not possible, because maven-scm doesn't know anything about maven
>     projects.
> That is a bummer. Because for ClearCase, I need to be able to generate
> unique names. Any idea's on how I can do that? I was thinking on
> appending the directory path you checkout to, like:
> user_mymachine_c-program-files-apache-software-foundation-continuum-working-directory-33
> But I will have to check how long the name of a view can be in
> ClearCase. Do you know that Dan?
UCM has the notion of project name and stream name, with this 2 I think we can make
the viewname/viewstorename unique
project-name and stream-name should be part of URL.
You can do the same for base SCM, by make up you own project name ( dont need the stream name)

>      >
>      > 2) The view store needs to be read from
>      > ~/.maven-scm/clearcase- settings.xml. What is the recommended way to
>      > parse the xml?
>     you must use modello. Look at maven-model or maven-settings projects
>     for samples.
> Hmmm.. Any explenation on that would be nice, because I don't understand
> it currently. I probably should create such an .mdo file? But was is the
> exact syntax? There seems to be some java code in there also?

modello is a code generator. It read a mdo file and generate all classes code.

You must create a .mdo file. Syntax is very simple (maven-settings is a good example)

java code is in mdo file if you want to add some jave code to the generated class, but i don't think
you need it.
> Wim

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