On 21/03/2009, at 6:38 AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:


There is no way we accept the Sleepcat license, it's viral. It is also heavily recommend against using because it can force you to have to redistribute your source code. That from our IP lawyer who deals with every day. Please don't dispense legal advice. Everything in law is in interpretation but there are some accepted interpretation. It's also unlikely that those contracts are identical unless they are verbatim and originate from the same country.

I'm not quite sure what you're saying exactly. We seem to have the same understanding of the license at least (that's exactly what I said in the issue), it is totally viral and forces you to redistribute your source code if you use it (it is based on distribution). My suggestion was how we could offer our source code, without the library, and give suitable warning on the impact of turning it on as an optional bit of Maven SCM for those that can use the license.

Regardless, I closed the issue since Olivier moved it out.

- Brett

Brett Porter

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