I'm trying to get maven2 (version 2.0.6) working and I can't get the CVS integration to work. It seems to insist on using the native cvs command line program every time. The documentation at http://maven.apache.org/scm/cvs.html claims the default is a native Java implementation, but that can be overridden with a system property.

My scm url is:
I'm on Mac OSX (10.4.9)

I moved my command line cvs client out of the way by renaming it to "cvs2", and now the following scm commands:

mvn -Dmaven.scm.provider.cvs.implementation=cvs -Dusername=knut scm:status
mvn -Dmaven.scm.provider.cvs.implementation=cvs_native -Dusername=knut scm:status

both fail with messages:

[INFO] Cannot run status command :
Embedded error: Exception while executing SCM command.
cvs: not found

I tried to find more detailed information, without any direct luck. My guess is that the following source lines are supposed to make the difference:



Do anyone have any hints for me on how I can make the Java based CVS integration work?

Thanks in advance,

Knut Forkalsrud

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