On 10/04/2012 10:03 AM, Left Right wrote:
Can you back up a few steps and say what you're trying to do?  (Note
that you say you're creating a File Node, but the code you show is for
a subclass of Builder, which is pretty odd.)  Have you been through
Chapter 18 of the User's Guide?

Thanks for reply. I'm probably "that deep" because of a mismatch in
the regular way C or Java projects are built vs Flash. The thing is,
managing sources is very simple in Flash (the compiler does almost all
the job, it find the required sources by inferring from the code what
it should be looking for), but there are many configuration settings
that one should pass to compiler, which are given per project, or per
certain part of the project.

<snipped out detail>

Let's simplify what you're trying to do. (lot's of experience has taught me.. if it's really difficult, you may be doing it wrong (the way you think it should be vs. the way it actually is))
1. What are your inputs?
2. What are your outputs?
3. How do you determine flags for "compiling"?

Based on your previous emails:

   "the compiler does almost all the job, it find the required sources
   by inferring from the code what it should be looking for"

So it parses the sources looking for info on it's dependencies?

   "For instance, the compiler has a concept of modules, so it would
   compile a group of files, and then would compile a module using the
   first group in a similar way you'd use headers in C, when linking
   dynamic libraries."

How does it determine the modules?

   "Step 1: I've overridden _execute in FlashBuilderBase in order to be
   able to gather some important information about the project (often
   times Flash comes with Eclipse-style project files, so I'm parsing
   the project file, and interpret the information I find in it in a
   way it will be useful later during the build)."

Is the project file for all sources you're trying to compile, or per module, or some other grouping?

As Gary stated in another email, you probably can use a separate environment per group of code to get the appropriate flags to them.


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