
On 13.10.2013 20:50, Andrew Featherstone wrote:

Dirk: I've pushed what I've got so far to . I've run a basic Docbook through it and generated an EPUB file that passes the validation test here . In it's current form there's a bug in that the files added to the OEBPS directory aren't re-added when the source files are changed. Is it possible for the action functions passed to a Command builder to modify target and source lists?

this is more the task of an Emitter. If you want to do things properly, you'll have to define an additional set of builders for xsltproc, lxml and libxml2. You can then add your specialized Emitter to the constructors of the single Builders and replace the call of __select_builder() with something like:

__builder = __select_builder(__lxml_builder_epub, __libxml2_builder_epub, __xsltproc_builder_epub)


Bill: I can raise an issue there if you think that's sensible. A quick glance at shows a large number of open tickets. Is this because issues are tracked elsewhere? itself seems to be active, and indeed shows some work using Ghostscript to create EPUB files.

We currently have the situation that our repository is on bitbucket, while the bug database is still managed by long as we don't have decided where we want to migrate to.



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