
On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 12:57 PM, anatoly techtonik <>wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 9:02 PM, William Deegan
> <> wrote:
> >
> > The changes I see are really stylistic and not necessary any improvement
> on the code.
> > Unless '-p PACKAGENAME" doesn't actually work, I'd tend to reject the
> pull request.
> Don't you think stylistic changes contribute to the readability of the
> code? That alone should be enough already. It is also important to
> allow people contribute meaningless fixes, so that they feel a positive
> feedback to submit more useful chunks of code.

IMHO.. no.  Readability is subjective.  If it was an issue of complying
with a specific agreed upon coding style then yes.
Changing just for change should not be encouraged.

> The reason I touched this code in the first place is that I may add
> few new options soon. One of this should allow to select a different
> runner for our unit tests.

That would be a worthwhile PR.

> This PR actually adds a usage hint when you run without any
> arguments. To make it more useful I updated PR and reformatted other
> options for consistency. It makes help more readable by aligning short
> options and long options in separate columns. I stole it from Mercurial
> --help output. =)

Are there tests that check the help output?
If so, please update with new formatting..

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