On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Kenny, Jason L
<jason.l.ke...@intel.com> wrote:
> By this I meant to have a --use-env or something value that would set the 
> Scons environment "ENV" to that of the shell.

There's nothing wrong with this at the user level, but I don't think
it should be hard-wired into the basic tool logic.  After all what is
"the" SCons environment?  In my day job we have four or five main ones
(in a single build), plus a couple of one-offs.  It's important to be
able to configure each one from a known starting point (whether by
cloning or custom high-level tools or whatever), and global options
that affect all tools and/or all environments are dangerous from that
standpoint, as useful as they may be.

I see this as a process of layering.  We should make sure the basic
tool/toolchain infrastructure _can_ support things like a global
--use-env, as well as other models.  Best to build general mechanisms
at the lowest level so high-level add-ons like Parts are both possible
and easy.

I feel the same way about your data-driven approach to tool setup.  I
think at the most basic level, tools must be configurable via
arbitrary code.  Higher layers like Parts should be able to layer in
data-driven tool definitions in whatever mini-language is appropriate
for that type of tool, but based on a common, flexible core.  The
data-driven tool spec will always be more rigid but safer and simpler
than arbitrary configuration code, so we need to provide for both
layers to exist.

> The tool would test to see if gcc existed still, but it would trust the user. 
> This was to deal with the cases of:
> 1) I have a new test compiler in some .tar.gz/zip setup, it has no standard 
> setup ( or Parts/Scons don't know about it yet as there is no tool) so we 
> just set it up in the shell to get it to work quickly.
> 2) I want a quick hack to get something to work
> 3) I am setting up a new tool and I am trying to figure out what is missing 
> in the env the tool setups from what is on the shell.
> I see 1) the most at work as we get these prototype setups that have 
> something custom on it. One the testing is done on it they tend to disappear 
> as whatever toolchain is on it becomes more "standard". Many of these cases 
> have a custom gcc or intel compiler on it and the user just wants to have 
> version of gcc to be used, not the "system" one. ( and for some reason it was 
> not installed in /opt and or some other custom thing was done to it that make 
> it difficult to use the standard tool without custom modification of tool 
> code that the developer does not want to do)
> 2) is the next most common and seems to happen the most with people on a 
> first pass make -> scons/parts pass or they are building on a cluster which 
> has it own set of issues. Mostly it is nice to have an easy way to leak in 
> the shell in controlled way as certain build cases are being corrected to be 
> more repeatable. I view this as "hot wiring" the build, vs starting a build...

Yes, I agree this is a really interesting use case.

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