On 31.10.2014 20:04, Gary Oberbrunner wrote:
On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 2:55 PM, Dirk Bächle <tshor...@gmx.de> wrote:
I don't think there is anything to fix here...and it's no bug for me either.
Please read the man page for the definition
of a SideEffect, and when it should be used. My understanding is, that in
your case the conditions do not apply...so you should rather define an
Emitter (see http://www.scons.org/wiki/ToolsForFools for example) that adds
"sf0" and "sf1" to the list of targets.
Then the Install() should work as expected.
I disagree.  He's explicitly passing the files in sf to Install();
Install() should always (try to) install all the files given as its
sources.  Whether they're created as side effects or anything else
_shouldn't_ matter.

Hmm, do you mean "all files" or "all targets"? I really don't regard SideEffects to be full targets...but maybe I'm overlooking something. I'm just thinking about the case where I use a "foo" compiler. It always creates a file "named.fix", containing some internal info that's input for the build step itself. So, for scheduling single builds with this compiler correctly, in concurrency speak: locking it with a kind of monitor for parallel mode, I define the file "named.fix" as SideEffect in my "foo" Builder.
If I then say something like:

  env = Environment(tools=['foo'])
  a = env.Foo('a.foo','a.in')
  b = env.Foo('b.foo','b.in')

  env.Install('/install', [a, b, 'named.fix'])

which version of "named.fix" gets installed? Which version *should* get installed? And is the intended ordering guaranteed for any invocation of "-j n"? You're probably right, but the above is what's rolling through my head right now...all kinds of clarifications and comments are welcome. ;)


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